Open Space February 2025: The Arts of living in a more-than-human world

6 February 2025 

This project goes way back. It includes friendship, scholarship, academic resilience and longevity, a shared passion for finding ways of thinking with/ communicating and applying new materialist /post-human ideas and a whole lot more. Jane Speedy and Bronwyn Davies have been talking and writing together since meeting at ICQI over 20 years ago. They have been reading each other’s work for longer still.

They co-ordinated the ‘Pierre Rivière’ writing project, after Foucault, (published as a special issue of ‘Emotion, Space and Society’ , 2012) after Bronwyn had spent several months as a visiting professor with NIC (the narrative inquiry centre at the University of Bristol - a predecessor of CANI-net).

Nowadays they are both members of the ‘Arctic Terns’ – a small Australian/British collaborative writing community of women scholars, writers and artists who have been writing /making images together over the past four years…

During the pandemic years Bronwyn and Jane also started to write together, almost daily, and their book ‘the arts of living in a more-than-human world’ emerged from this collaboration. They have continued to write together since producing ‘the arts of living’, and are now well into volume two of their ‘magnum opus’.


The presentation on the morning (9 am. UK time) of Feb 6th will include readings and images from:


Davies and Speedy (2024) The arts of living in a more-than-human world, Lewes, D.E. : DIO Press.



as well as texts/images from their subsequent, as yet untitled, unpublished book (work on this is still ongoing, after a haitus between Jane’s 70th birthday (November) and Bronwyn’s 80th birthday (January).




Jane has copies of ‘the arts of living in a more-than-human world’ for sale to CANI-net members at the discount price of £30.00 (RRP: £37.00/ Amazon: 32.00). The money from these sales will go to support CANI-net.

If you would like to get a copy of the book, e-mail Jane at with your postal address and she will send you her bank details for you to send your £30.00.