Using the Social Dreaming Matrix to inquire into our shared present/presence
Melissa Dunlop
The Social Dreaming Matrix was first developed at the Tavistock Institute in the 1980’s and offers a way of inquiring collaboratively into contemporary social contexts and socio-political environments while making room for unconscious processes and processing. I invite participants to an introduction and trial of this method in our last online Open Space of the academic year.
Recent dreams or dream fragments are shared, and then the group freely associates around these, seeing where they might lead. It is the dreams, not the dreamers, that are attended to, and together these form a shared dreamscape that may offer unexpected insights as participants find links, make new meanings and connections and enrich their overall understanding. There’s no knowing where we may begin or where we may end up!
Bring a fresh dream if you can muster one up before the session, but don't worry if you can't.
Dr Melissa Dunlop is an independent psychotherapist, supervisor and researcher, doing slow, thinking, feeling work at the margins of academia, using creative methods and practices to inquire into relationality as collaboratively as she can. She facilitates CANI-Net's Open Space.