Open Space - February 2023: Writing and Immanence: a workshop engaging concept making and the reorientation of thought in pedagogy and inquiry.

6 February 2023 

CANI-net Open Space session, 5.30-7.00 Monday 6th February 2023


Presented by Dr. Ken Gale University of Plymouth


Writing and Immanence: a workshop engaging concept making and the reorientation of thought in pedagogy and inquiry.

Deleuze and Guattari insisted that inquiry should take the form of a ‘free and wild creation of concepts’ (1994: 105). For them each concept is an event, it is a thought in action, a force that does. The speculative creation of a concept is generative of relational encounters, making connections with other concepts in forceful ways that are event-ful, momentary and always having the potential to animate new movement and ways of doing. Manning describes this as working in research-creative ways.

So, firstly, in this session I will provide a brief introduction to some of the concepts in my new book Writing and Immanence: Concept making and the reorientation of thought in pedagogy and inquiry. Then, secondly, I will attempt to open up a space whereby we can all attempt to invent, engage and connect with these and other concepts as a means of encouraging ‘free and wild’ ways of working with them. As a consequence, we can consider if such an approach can offer a means of processually destabilising and problematising established orthodoxies and traditional approaches to research and, at the same time, be used to suggest new and alternative ways of using writing in immanent and research-creative ways.



Ken works in the Institute of Education in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business at the University of Plymouth in the UK and has published widely and presented at several international conferences on the philosophy of education, research methodologies and collaborative approaches to education practices. His current research involves the use of speculative and more than simply human approaches to theorising and inquiry, in encounters with creative and relational space making and the in-formational play between discursively constructed and materially constituted aspects of pedagogy and research in contemporary education. His most recent book, Writing and Immanence: Concept making and the reorientation of thought in pedagogy and inquiry was published by Routledge in January 2023.